
Butternut Squash Soup

This recipe was created by Karen Wiens on 12/13/14.

We’ve had a couple of butternut squash in our kitchen since butternut squash was in season! It’s been several months actually but they were both still perfect. It was a rainy day yesterday so I thought, what a perfect day for soup. I decided to make this much like our lentil soup but using squash instead of lentils. This is a very simple recipe and though it tastes more like fall than spring, we loved it on this cold day.
Serves 8
15 minutes to prepare
60 minutes to cook
6 cloves garlic , minced
6 celery ribs, chopped
6 carrots, peeled and chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 butternut squashes
4 cups vegetable broth
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Cut the butternut squash in half, cut off the top and bottom and scoop out some of the seeds. It’s no big deal if you don’t get them all. Put them in a baking dish with about 1/2 cup of water, cover with foil and bake for about an hour. Meanwhile…

Saute your chopped onions and garlic in a large pan.

Add your chopped celery and carrots. Cook over medium high heat until they start to soften.

If they start to stick, add a little water as needed just a tablespoon or two at a time.

Next add your 4 cups of vegetable broth. Let the soup come to almost a boil and then turn to simmer and cover.

When the butternut squash are finished cooking, clean out any of the remaining seeds and stringy parts.

Scoop the fleshy part out of the skin and add to your soup pot.

Ladle your soup into a blender or food processor. You could also use an immersion blender here.

Blend until you reach your desired consistency.

We made ours very smooth.

Put your blended soup back in the large pot.

Add salt

And pepper to taste, if desired.. Keep burner on low until you are ready to eat!

We served it up with a large green salad and tahini dressing. Delicious!! It’s summer here but I still love a big bowl of soup on a cool day.