Eat and Run

Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness by Scott Jurek

Jeff’s thoughts: The fact that Karen has a huge crush on Scott Jurek aside, I have to say this dude is incredible. His dominance in the world of ultramarathon running fueled by a plant-based, vegan diet should put all the nay-saying to bed. This diet fuels greatness. Scott’s story is touching, too. It goes into the existential realm – which I appreciate. There are also really great recipes at the end of almost every chapter.

Karen’s thoughts: This was my favorite book from 2012. I love Scott Jurek.  He lives in Boulder and when he released his book, Jeff and I traveled up there for his book release party.   We got to run with Scott and I have to say, he is one of the most amazing, kind, giving, gracious, authentic and humble people I have ever had the privilege of meeting.

We all set out on the run and many of the people taking part were amazing runners. Jeff and I hadn’t been running that much at the time and Boulder is higher altitude than Littleton, so needless to say, we ended up at the back of the pack.  We don’t know Boulder very well and eventually lost sight of the group.  We were running along, not really knowing where we were going and just hoping we were headed in the right direction.  We started to wonder if we were going to be able to find our way back…

Then, who appears but Scott Jurek himself.  He didn’t send someone back for the stragglers.  He came back.  He asked us if there was anyone else behind us.  We thought there was so he gave us some quick directions and continued back tracking the route.  As it turns out, I think everyone that was behind us ended up taking a short cut and we probably were dead last.  I’ve wondered since, if we had known we were last and told him, would we have been able to run the rest of the way back with him?  Just the three of us?  That would have been amazing…

After the run there was a movie and a talk. It was a benefit for Caballo Blanco who had recently died.  All the proceeds were donated to his charity.  At the end of the evening, Scott stayed and signed books for every single person that wanted an autograph.  Here’s a big surprise… I was one of them.  He actually took the time to talk to each person.

He told me, “Be Somebody!”  I’m working on it, Scott, I’m working on it…  This is definitely one of my favorite pictures from 2012.

Me and my pal, Scott Jurek!  🙂  We look like brother and sister, don’t you think!

His book is as amazing as he is.  One of the most inspirational books I have ever read.  He overcomes hardships. Pushes himself to do things that most people would see as impossible.  He continues when anyone else would give up. You just have to read this book.

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For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force—and darling—in the grueling and growing sport of ultrarunning. In 1999, as a complete unknown, he took the lead of the Western States Endurance Run, a 100-mile traverse over the old Gold Rush trails of the California Sierra Nevada. He won that race seven years in a row, setting a course record along the way. Twice he won the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile “jaunt” through Death Valley. Recently he set an American record of 165.7 miles in 24 hours—6 1/2 marathons in one day. And he was one of the elite runners who traveled to Mexico to run with the Tarahumara Indians, as profiled in the bestseller Born to Run. His accomplishments are nothing short of extraordinary, but that he has achieved all of this on a plant-based diet makes his story all the more so.

In Eat and Run, Scott Jurek opens up about his life and career—as an elite athlete and a vegan—and inspires runners at every level. From his Midwestern childhood hunting, fishing, and cooking for his meat-and-potatoes family, to his early beginnings in running (he hated it), to his slow transition to ultrarunning and veganism, to his world-spanning, record-breaking races, Scott’s story shows the power of an iron will and blows apart all the stereotypes of what athletes should eat to fuel optimal performance. Chock-full of incredible, on-the-brink stories of endurance and competition, fascinating science, and accessible practical advice—including his own favorite plant-based recipes—Eat and Run will motivate everyone to “go the distance,” whether that means getting out for that first run, expanding your food horizons, or simply exploring the limits of your own potential.

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About Jeff Wiens

This is where I should write stuff about myself, right? Haha, here goes! I'm trying to choose a happier life daily. I have love and want to nurture it. I seek new experiences. I have community and a playful spirit. I am grateful and try to give back. Life is good. Let me never forget. Connect with me on Google+ Jeff Wiens

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